Special Police Force Chin Na 3-Volume Set


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Special Police Force Chin Na

Starring: Unknown

Format: Digital Video/Digital Delivery (.mp4)

Language: Chinese Language (No English Subtitles)


Basic Techniques

Learn the basic techniques of Chin Na, along with major attacking techniques and sudden attacks.

(approx. 59 mins)

Fast Subduing Opponent Methods: Quick Methods to Win!

Introduction to Chin Na and Fighting. Fast subduing opponent methods. Techniques for making your opponent surrdender. 

(approx. 55 mins)

Actual Combat in Traditional Yong Chun Quan: Palm Technique Training

Introduction to Chin Na and Fighting. Demonstrations of Chin Na methods and fists along with step-by-step instructions.

(approx. 54 mins)

A series of close combat techniques used by Chinese police forces & military. This series include basic techniques of fist, footwork, palm, leg, & kicking. A practical self defense techniques that you need in daily life.